Saturday, June 1, 2024


The next "icon" of the sweet game of baseball to be featured in my custom "Icons" set that will see the light of day later this year is none other than Willie Mays, perhaps the greatest of them all:

This set features greats of the game during the "Golden Era" of baseball, with special home field background art from the 1950s and 1960s.
Just a fun creative set to work on, which will come in a special package that I conceived some time ago.
Keep your eyes peeled for it!
As for the man himself, what needs to be said about perhaps the greatest player in history?
660 home runs, 3000+ hits, over 2000 runs scored and over 1900 runs batted in, with over 300 stolen bases and a .300+ batting average as well!
He took home the Rookie of the Year Award in 1951, then proceeded to win two Most Valuable Player Awards, the first in 1954 and the second eleven years later in 1965.
Let’s also not forget the 20 all-star nods and 12 Gold Gloves, leaving him in that rarified company of Ruth, Cobb, Aaron and Gehrig as far as accomplishments and legend.
Of course, Hall of Fame voting being what it is, he wasn’t a UNANIMOUS selection because of this silly unspoken rule of “no one gets 100% voting”, something I will NEVER understand.


Everything baseball: cards, events, history and more.