Monday, May 13, 2024


Up on the blog today, we have a rarity nowadays on the blog, a "not really missing" card, once a staple here until the players/images began drying up after ten years.
Today's player that gets a "missing" card is Adrian Garrett of the Oakland A's:

Garrett appeared in only 14 games for the repeating World Champions, going 0-11 at the plate while putting in some time out in leftfield.
It was a typical season for the catcher-outfielder, as he would never have even close to a full season of action over his career which began in 1966 with four games as an Atlanta Brave.
This is the fourth such card I've created for Garrett over the years, joining my 1972, 1975 and 1977 creations.
He would play for four organizations: Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, Oakland A’s and California Angels, ending up with a .185 batting average with 51 hits in 276 at-bats in 163 games, with 30 runs scored, 11 homers and 37 runs batted in.