Sunday, February 16, 2020


Time to finally go and add a Roberto Clemente “nickname” card to my long-running thread, celebrating one of the all-time greats, aptly tagged with the nickname “The Great One”, not only for his on-field heroics but his incredible life off the field:

I know his other nickname was “Arriba”, but I felt this one is more suitable for the legacy of the man, as he really was “The Great One” for so many Puerto Ricans who looked up to him at a time when Latin players were not as appreciated as they are today.
Clemente was just incredible. As a hitter, as an outfielder, and as a man who was always helping others, which as we all know tragically led to his death as he was helping Nicaraguans after an earthquake, trying to deliver supplies on December 31st, 1972.
It’s incredible to think that the only reason he even needed to get on the plane himself to accompany the much needed supplies to Nicaragua was because the first THREE supply planes had the supplies diverted by the corrupt government there, leading Clemente to think that if he went there personally the government would allow the supplies to reach the people who needed them most. Think about that. Just awful.
Just an amazing player I wish I had gotten a chance to see first hand.
Indeed “The Great One”.