Sunday, September 22, 2019


Found another great image from the 1970’s and had to create a 1973 special for it: Chicago White Sox pitching coach Johnny Sain posing with pitchers Wilbur Wood and Eddie Fisher and their knuckle-ball grips:

Just an awesome shot of the legendary Sain, former pitching star of the 1940’s and 1950’s, along with an effective reliever in Fisher from the 1960’s, and Wood, who was doing some incredible things in the mid-70’s.
While Fisher was wrapping up a very nice 15-year Major League career as a relief pitcher, Wood was in the middle of a ridiculous run where he’d post four-straight 20-win seasons, with over 300 innings pitched each time, with an astronomical 376.2 thrown in 1972, good for top-5 finishes for the Cy Young Award three straight years between 1971 and 1973.
It’s also worth noting that just a few years earlier, in 1968., Wood also had one of the great RELIEF pitching seasons of all-time when he appeared in 88 games, going 13-12 with a sparkling 1.87 ERA over 159 innings pitched along with 16 saves.
Nevertheless, just a great photo of pretty much three eras of the game represented in one shot!
I love creating these “specials”. Just too much fun...