For those that would like a small hint as to the next pack, see attached image.
Now what do all these players have in common as far as baseball cards go?
These right here will be randomly inserted, ONE to each pack of my next release, a 1960's "special".
really fun pack to put together, and they look great! I still have to
finish cutting wrappers and sorting all cards, but I should have them
ready for release next week.
Of course, for those that
want to have the whole 15-card insert set as well, they will be
available to purchase, learning from my mistake from the "Dedicated
Rookies" 1960's special a few months back! So no worries!
inserts are like my old 1930's set released a few years ago: nice 2.5" x
2.5" velvet touch thick card stock. It makes for a very nice feel!
So keep an eye out for another email in about a week!
Hope everyone is well and safe!