Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Here’s a fun “not so missing” card to add to the blog, a 1974 edition for one-game Major League player Curtic Brown, had his moment in the sun on May 27th, 1973 for the Montreal Expos:

Brown went 0-4 at the plate for the Expos that day while playing left field and handling three chances without an error.
The brother of another one-year player, Leon Brown who played with the New York Mets in 1976 (and had a 1977 card on this very blog some time ago), Curtis spent 17 seasons as a professional ballplayer, beginning in 1965 as a 19-year-old in the Mets system.
After his oh-so-brief taste of the Big League life he’d go on to spend another eight years as a pro, the last seven in the Mexican League where he played through 1981 before retiring for good at the age of 35.
Nevertheless, the man made it to the Majors, even if it was just for one game, and that is aces by me...