Sunday, July 28, 2019


Time for another “special”, and since I found this sweet image a while back let’s make it a 1974 Pete Rose/Johnny Bench card celebrating their National league dominance at the time this card would have seen the light of day:

Rose was coming off of his third batting title, and first MVP Award in 1973, setting a career high with 230 hits while also scoring over 100 runs for the sixth time in his eleven MLB seasons to that point.
It’s also worth pointing out that it was his sixth 200+ hits seasons in eleven years as well, setting the eventual stage of he taking over the all-time MLB career hits mark some 12 years later when he surpassed the great Ty Cobb.
For Bench, all he did up until this point was take home the 1968 Rookie of the Year Award, the NL MVP Award in both 1970 and 1972, and completely reshape the catcher’s position as we knew it, while STILL only 25 years of age!
At this point in their careers, we didn’t even get to experience the great “Big Red Machine” two-time World Champions of 1975 and 1976 yet! One of the great dynastic teams in the league’s history.
But both would end up setting new standards in MLB history, though Rose screwed it all up with that gambling bug!
Nevertheless, BOTH are Hall of Famers in my eyes! Two of the best ever.